

Industries are continuously looking better designs that deliver better performance with better quality and cost. Engineering Design & Development is an iterative process but many times mental blocks and familiarity bias of people involved become inhibitive to innovations. InnoGP takes up Engineering Design, Analysis and Development tasks for industries with innovation as primary objective. Engaging InnoGP is a surest way to come out of Comforts of Status-Quo before the competitors come up with a disruptive innovation.

Innovations need not be accidental or only with absolutely new technologies, lots of significant innovations can happen with incremental and substantial enhancement in performance of Systems.

InnoGP identifies opportunities for improvement through innovations to enhance System Performance, Better Reliability, Ease of Manufacturing and cut costs. InnoGP also Synchronises the System Features and Specifications with the needs of the users.

InnoGP works closely with Industry in building Prototypes before going for Production and Marketing by the Industry. InnoGP uses a Systematic Simulation based Design & Analysis approach for converging into a sound Engineering Design.

Investors are always looking for New Opportunities to enhance their Return on Investment and that is only possible where the Innovative Products are introduced to the market and they are most likely to perform better than old generation products. Hence, Investors have a great opportunity to work with InnoGP for investing in New Developments.


Many Individuals with a spark of creativity have brilliant ideas, however, to develop a viable product that can be sold needs deep understanding of engineering principles, practical understanding of the domain and knowledge of manufacturing and marketing. Many times the Ideas die because the innovators perceive these steps of development as unsurmountable obstacles as they are not clear how these problems can be solved.

InnoGP fills these Gaps from Idea to Product in a Systematic way and makes it possible for Innovators to bring their product to market.


Academicians have deep theoretical understanding and can tremendously contribute to System Development and Technology Gaps can be filled up with Focused Research on specific problems.

InnoGP Bridges the Gap between Academic Research, Laboratory Level Proof of Principle Verification and Innovation required to deploy a potential Technology into a System.

Science & Technology Agencies and Users in Defence & Aerospace domains are always looking for State of Art Reliable Indigenous Technology that can enhance the Performance of Systems as well as bring down the costs. Funding for Research & Development becomes possible when the path of development from Research to Deployment becomes visible to Government Agencies and Industry. InnoGP fills all these gaps and makes Technology Development, Prototype Development and Testing in a Systematic way.